Sprinkle Freckles (Regular)
This trait allows sprinkes to appear on the Sugarlop's face, similar to freckles.
Candy Horns (Regular)
This trait allows the Sugarlop to grow horns made out of candy.
Pastry Topping (Regular)
Allows dessert or pastry toppings (such as berries, cherries, and the like) to appear on the Sugarlops' body/head.
Liminal Space (Mystic)
A dreamcore trait, allowing the Sugarlop to contain any of the following:
- Extra eyes
- Flowers growing on body
- Cloud motes
- Void limbs
- Physical object skin (tiles on the body, etc)
Jam Filling (Mystic)
Jam Filling causes the Sugarlop to have a clear area on the body or ears filled up with Jam or Jelly filling. This can also spill out of the ears, but not the body.
Cosmic Body (Mystic)
Allows the Sugarlop to have any of the following:
- Potion Bottle tail
- Galaxy-like filling in the tail (and/or, may also include galaxy like filling in the body if the Sugarlop also has the Jam filling trait)
- Tiny stars or planets floating around the Sugarlop
Extra Limbs (Mystic)
The Sugarlop can have extra arms (up to four extra).
If the Sugarlop has the Wings trait, then this can allow them to have extra wings as well (no limit, as long as most of the Sugarlop is still visible).
Digital Escape (Mystic)
The Sugarlop has accidentally slipped a little into the Digital realm! Parts of themselves are now glitching and may experience strange pop ups!
Glitches and popups may only partially cover the Sugarlop's body. This does not cover up entire arms, legs, torsos, etc. They may cover an eye, parts of an eye, and the like. The Sugarlop is only partially slipped into another reality, not all the way there!