A baker in a far away land had a creativity block. He fell asleep every night wishing there would be someone who would understand his aspirations, the things he wanted to accomplish, and the hopes he had. He didn't want fame, but he certainly wanted to be known for his creations and tasty treats.
The realm of Dreams heard his thoughts every night, along with the hopes of every baker in the universe. As a result, an island was made, and so were Sugarlops!
A realm had birthed cute, sugary beings who, when they fell asleep, would enter the very realm of their personal baker to help with their dreams and hopes.
At least, that's what they're supposed to do!
Over the years, Sugarlops eventually started getting more and more unique, not only in appearance but also in personality. Some wished to just stay on the island even at night, while others wanted to explore other places in their sleep. Though, many Sugarlops wish to still stick to their own purpose in helping the bakers who were responsible for their existence.
The island
Sugarlop Island is a very sugary land where many parts of the world are completely edible- or at least home to many key ingredients! Cotton Candy mountain has its very own dark chocolate waterfall, flowing down into the chocolate river. Lollipop trees and candy bushes are common across the island as well! Sugarlops can make their houses anywhere, but most prefer to stay together in their own little communities. This doesn't stop the shy or introverted from putting their houses elsewhere! Right next to the island, accessible by clouds, is the Rock Candy beach, which many Sugarlops enjoy going to for a little vacation or break.
While Sugarlops don't exactly need to work to survive, they have developed a currency as a way of trading with others. Some stick to their roots with opening a bakery or cafe, while others craft or sew things to sell to others who don't know how. Or, if they don't wish to use currency, they can trade items they have for items they need. Sugarlops value passion and creativity, so they often do things that they would love doing every single day!
Sugarlops do not have any sort of core belief system, as their Bakers come from all across the universe. Some may pray to the Dream realms, while others choose not to dabble in such things. They do not have the usual societal norms that humans would, either! Sugarlops embrace being unique and different from one another.
While crime is not really common on the island, it can still happen! However matters are usually dealt with by the community, rather than a government.