Design Guide

Created: 29 February 2024, 18:36:34 PST
Last updated: 29 February 2024, 20:17:14 PST

MYO Submission Guide

Want to get to dreaming up your own Sugarlop? Here is a design guide to get you started on your sugary journey!

In order to get a Sugarlop MYO Slot, you must first purchase one in the Dream Bakery with the world currency "Sugar Cubes". These are acquired through participating in prompts, drawing, or writing.
You can also gain a slot through USD sales through the Discord or through raffles.
Once you have your slot, go to your Inventory, and click on it once you are ready to submit your design.
Then, click on "Submit MYO Design", and create a request.
You will have to save everything (even if you do not have any comments to add), before you can submit it. You must add your image (it is recommended you use less than 2000px on your masterlist image) and then use the thumbnail crop for the masterlist thumbnail.

Regular traits such as frosting on ears, etc, can be added without a trait drink/treat (Unless you are updating your already approved design!)
Mystic traits always require a drink/treat.
Either way, if you use any traits, please add them to the trait section before submitting! <3

Design Guide
Sugarlops all have these key things in common.
1) Their Sugary tail (like donuts, cinnamon roles, lollipops, lattes, and more)
2) Their colorful soul pendant hanging off of their tail. Without this, they cannot live!
3) Their bunny-like ears! (The majority of Sugarlops have long lop ears, though!)

Sugarlops can vary heavily though, each one can be very different! They can have any color fur, patterns (as long as they are appropriate) or hairstyle.

Sugarlops are about two heads tall, but can differ being a little taller or a little shorter. Their paws are fluffy, and cute with the option of toe beans!
They cannot have claws or human like hands in this form. They cannot have human feet!

Sugarlops also cannot have anything that would not be considered dessert or pastry like on their body, so veggies (unless they're part of the treat on the Sugarlop's tail) are not allowed, nor is meat, and the like. Frosting is fine, or dessert toppings! These are considered optional traits.
Please do not add gore to their design! (Like open wounds, bones showing, etc.)

Soul Pendants hold Sugarlop's souls! So they must be protected and cannot leak out. They must be in a circular shape, as all come in that shape! They can be accessorized, however. They can be any color and any metal! The middle most be see-through with the liquid soul inside.
Patterns inside the soul are completely okay!

You can change up the style of the Sugarlop's eyes, but do not give them a human nose! They are bunny-like, after all!
Unless you have a Mystic trait for your Sugarlop, the Sugarlop may only have up to two eyes. (They are allowed to be missing an eye, or both as long as it is done without gore)
Humanoid form (Also Called "imaginary form"/"imaginary friend")

Imaginary form is an optional form that a Sugarlop can take once they fall asleep. This is how they travel through the other realms! This is typically how they visit their baker to help with new ideas and such. Of course, they can still choose to stay in their smaller form, but if the baker is a humanoid being, then the Sugarlop may want to do this to blend in. Only Sugarlops and their bakers can see each other! Other beings, even in the same realm as the baker, cannot see the Sugarlop, which is why it is nicknamed thier "Imaginary form"!

They must have human-like hands in this form, but they cannot have human feet! They can also choose to have their tail vanish, however the pendant must remain on their body. Their imaginary form is the only time the tail can vanish.


When submitting your design, please be sure that it is appropriate and follows these guidelines! But you are still encouraged to get creative, they are in the dream realm after all!
Have fun!!